Tube journeys, slow walkers, crap tea, ex-boyfriends, shit friends, quarter-life crises, empty promises, annoying flat-mates, chatter-boxes, the down-right fucking cheeky and the eternally optimistic are just a few things which wind Mardy Mabel up.
Not that it takes a lot, mind.
Rather than punching people in the face, Mardy Mabel decided to channel her rage and rancour into craft so that others could share her rants with friends, enemies and fellow public transport users.
From handmade, vintage-looking greetings cards and postcards to tea towels, mugs, badges, aprons and tube rant totes, there’s a sentiment for pretty much every grumble you’ve ever had and every encounter which has left you blustering for a biting remark.
And Mardy Mabel knows you often have these thoughts.
Celebrate all the important moments in life – birthdays, pregnancies and friends finally dumping those boyfriends you hated – with wry witticism rather than soppy sentiment; wear your annoyance at those twee ‘baby on board badges’ on your chest; vent your tube annoyances by proclaiming them on your tote bag for all offenders to read.
Mardy Mabel is here to help you celebrate and express your inner mard.